Genia Long

M.P.P., Harvard University; S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Summary of Experience
Ms. Long is an expert in the economics and business strategy of innovation and growth. She has assisted executives in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, consumer packaged goods, and information technology with maximizing the value of their products, services, and innovative technologies by addressing fundamental challenges related to research and development, business planning, opportunity assessment, and competitive market strategy. In health care, Ms. Long’s work has included projects for pharmaceutical and biotech manufacturers; joint ventures in research, teaching, and patient care; academic medical centers; and general and specialty hospitals. For pharmaceutical manufacturers, Ms. Long’s work has encompassed pricing and managed markets strategy, account segmentation, and contracting recommendations for new and established brands; market research studies on branded product demand and launch strategy; pharmacoeconomic analyses of the value and impact of drug therapy; and forecasting and analytical modeling of growth opportunities and business options.
Continuing trends in U.S. brand-name and generic drug competition
Journal of Medical Economics, 2021
2021Grabowski H, Long G, Mortimer R, Bilginsoy M
Are Payers Ready to Address the Financial Challenges Associated with Gene Therapy?
Health Affairs, June 28, 2018
2018 -
Insurance Switching and Mismatch Between the Costs and Benefits of New Technologies
The American Journal of Managed Care, December 2017
2017Cutler D, Ciarametaro M, Long G, Kirson N, Dubois R
Updated trends in US brand-name and generic drug competition
Journal of Medical Economics, 2016 04: 1-9. e-pub ahead of print 2016/04/12
2016Grabowski H, Long G, Mortimer R, Boyo A
Recent Average Price Trends for Implantable Medical Devices, 2007-2011
White Paper
2013Long G, Mortimer R, Sanzenbacher G
Recently Released FDA Guidance and Biosimilar Development: Implications for the Litigation Environment
FDLI Update, March/April 2012
2012Long G, Mulhern C
Data Exclusivity for Biologics
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 10, 15-16 (January 2011) - doi:10.1038/nrd3277
2011Long G, Mortimer R, Grabowski H
Evolving Brand-Name and Generic Drug Competition May Warrant a Revision of the Hatch-Waxman Act
Health Affairs, 2011, 30(11), 2157-2166
2011Grabowski HG, Kyle M, Mortimer R, Long G, Kirson N
Implementation of the Biosimilar Pathway: Economic and Policy Issues
Seton Hall Law Review, Book 2, 41:2
2011Grabowski HG, Long G, Mortimer R
Data Exclusivity Periods and Next Generation Improvements to Innovator Biologics: Key Issues
Duke University Department of Economics Working Paper, No. 2009-05
2009Grabowski H, Cockburn I, Long G, Mortimer R
Data Exclusivity Periods for Biologics: Updating Prior Analyses and Responding to Critiques
Duke University Department of Economics Working Paper, No. 2008-10
2008Grabowski H, Long G, Mortimer R
The Value Of Antihypertensive Drugs: A Perspective On Medical Innovation
Health Affairs
2007Cutler D, Long G, Berndt E, Royer J, Fournier A, Sasser A, Cremieux P
Pharmaceutical Spending and Health Outcomes
Pharmaceutical Innovation: Incentives, Competition, and Cost-Benefit Analysis in International Perspective
2007Cremieux P, Jarvinen D, Long G, Merrigan P
The Effect on Federal Spending of Legislation Creating a Regulatory Framework for Follow-on Biologics: Key Issues and Assumptions
White Paper
2007Grabowski H, Cockburn I, Long G, Mortimer R, Johnson S
The Impact of Antihypertensive Drugs on the Number and Risk of Death, Stroke, and Myocardial Infarction in the United States
National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper
2006Berndt E, Sasser A, Long G, Cremieux P, Royer J, Fournier AA