David W. Sosa

David W. Sosa


Ph.D. and M.S., agricultural and resource economics, University of California, Davis; DEUG, economics, Université de Grenoble; B.S., Bucknell University

Summary of Experience

Dr. Sosa specializes in the economics of network industries, law and economics, and industrial organization. He has consulted to telecommunications and electric utility clients on a broad range of litigation and regulatory issues, including industry restructuring, technical standardization, operational and financial benchmarking, mergers and acquisitions, market power analysis, and competitive strategy. Dr. Sosa has served as an expert witness before several state and federal agencies, and has supported testifying experts in assessing the economic impacts of several high-profile mergers in the telecommunications industry. In other telecommunications work, Dr. Sosa has analyzed spectrum license acquisitions, wireless technology standards, and voice and data roaming markets. He has also consulted to telecommunications carriers in Latin America, Europe, and Asia on issues related to competition, regulation, and litigation. In addition, Dr. Sosa has performed damages and valuation analyses for clients in a broad range of litigation matters, including consumer class actions, intellectual property, employment, bankruptcy, and commercial contracts. He is a frequent public speaker and has published a number of articles in industry and professional journals, including Public Utilities Fortnightly, the Journal of Legal Studies, and the Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review. He is a member of the American Economic Association and Federal Communications Bar Association. Before joining Analysis Group, he consulted to the California Energy Commission and Telcordia.