Solvejg Wewel
Ph.D. and M.A., economics, Boston College; M.Sc., statistics, Humboldt University of Berlin and Free University of Berlin; M.Sc., economics, University of Mannheim
Summary of Experience
Dr. Wewel specializes in the application of microeconomics, econometrics, and statistical methods to complex litigation and non-litigation matters, with a focus in the areas of antitrust and finance. She has extensive experience across a variety of industries and markets, including foreign exchange (FX), fashion retail, technology, and two-sided digital platforms. On US v. Aiyer, Dr. Wewel analyzed FX trade and chat data, prepared an academic expert for testimony at trial, and provided data analyses and consulting support to counsel throughout the proceedings. On Epic Games, Inc., v. Apple Inc., she worked as part of a team supporting Apple’s testifying expert, Richard Schmalensee, whose trial testimony was cited in the district court ruling that Epic Games “failed in its burden to demonstrate Apple is an illegal monopolist.” Dr. Wewel has supported experts in all phases of litigation, including class certification, merits, deposition, and trial.
Criminal Antitrust: The Discovery Process and the Role of Economic Experts
The Exchange: Insurance and Financial Services Development, 2022
2022Wewel S, Weglein S, Smith D, Feige C
Antitrust & Competition -
Economic Experts in Criminal Antitrust Price Fixing Litigation: Discovery and Scope
Antitrust Report, October 2022
2022Wewel S, Weglein S, Toniatti D, Smith D, Feige C
Antitrust & Competition
November 8, 2022
August 15, 2022
April 26, 2022