Bruno Martins

Ph.D., economics, Boston University; M.A. and B.A., economics, Nova School of Business and Economics
Summary of Experience
Dr. Martins is an applied health economist who specializes in the application of economic and statistical models to health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) and complex litigation matters. His experience in HEOR includes modeling health care resource utilization and costs from retrospective databases (medical and pharmacy claims and electronic medical records), designing surveys to collect patient-reported outcomes in prospective survey studies, and conducting indirect treatment comparisons. He has contributed to studies in a wide range of disease areas, including dermatology, immunology, neurology, oncology, and cardiovascular diseases. In litigation matters related to merger investigations, Dr. Martins has supported experts for the US Federal Trade Commission, the US Department of Justice, and merging parties involved in horizontal and vertical transactions. His litigation work has also included the assessment of issues pertaining to the False Claims Act. Dr. Martin’s work has been published in the Journal of Health Economics, Health Economics, and JAMA Network Open, and he is the coauthor of a book chapter on risk adjustment for health plan payment.