Olivier Toubia

Glaubinger Professor of Business and Chair of the Marketing Division, Columbia Business School
Olivier Toubia

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Ph.D., marketing, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.S., operations research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Summary of Experience

Professor Toubia has marketing expertise in the areas of innovation and new product development, with a specific emphasis on market research, behavioral economics, preference measurement, and customer choice models. He focuses his research primarily on studying how firms can optimize their interactions with customers. For example, he has used polyhedral adaptive choice-based conjoint analysis to develop marketing strategy and assessed the comparative value of promotional efforts launched through online social communities versus traditional direct-mail campaigns. Professor Toubia has conducted numerous surveys for litigation – including conjoint studies – involving smartphones, set-top boxes, consumer packaged goods, medical equipment, and perceptions of employment status. He has also been deposed and testified at an arbitration matter.

Professor Toubia worked with Applied Marketing Science on the development of IDEALYST®, an online idea generation and group brainstorming tool that has been used by numerous corporations to enhance output and creativity through the use of incentives. His research has been honored with three John D.C. Little Best Paper Awards and published in a variety of marketing outlets. Among other journal affiliations, Professor Toubia is coeditor of Quantitative Marketing and Economics, associate editor of Management Science and Marketing Science, and a member of the editorial boards of International Journal of Research in Marketing and Journal of Marketing Research.