Marcel Boyer

Professor Emeritus, former Bell Canada Professor of Industrial Economics, University of Montreal; Fellow of CIRANO and the C.D. Howe Institute; President of the Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues

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Ph.D. and M.Sc., economics, Carnegie Mellon University; M.A., economics, University of Montreal

Summary of Experience

Professor Boyer has served as an economist and testifying expert on behalf of large companies and governmental organizations as well as copyright collectives, in Canada and elsewhere, concerning such matters as intellectual property and copyright issues, competition policy, wage negotiations, strategic investments, contract litigation, and municipal institutional reform. He has testified before various agencies and tribunals and has filed expert reports in several matters before the Copyright Board of Canada involving music licensing, tariff rates, and royalty determinations, including in cases regarding private copying, online music, pay audio services, commercial radio, and reprographic reproduction. His current research focuses on investment valuation, efficient organizations, innovation and competition, incentive pay, as well as law and economics (cartel sanctions, liability sharing).

Professor Boyer has received numerous prizes for excellence in research, including the prestigious Alexander-Henderson Award (CMU), Prix Marcel-Vincent (ACFAS), Prix Marcel-Dagenais (SCSE), Endowment-for-the-Future Distinguished Scholar (University of Alberta), and Médaille Guillaume-Budé (Collège de France). He is an elected member of the Royal Society of Canada and has authored or coauthored more than 260 scientific articles and papers and public reports. He is also a member of the governance committee of the Sustainable Finance and Responsible Investment Chair of AFG at École Polytechnique de Paris and Université de Toulouse; a member of the expert panel of the Council of Canadian Academies on the State of Industrial Research and Development; and a member of the C.D. Howe Institute Competition Policy Council.