Ph.D., business administration, University of California, Berkeley
Summary of Experience
Professor Zhang's research focuses on the study of social interactions and marketing strategies, covering industries such as consumer goods, social media, and health care, and functional areas such as product development, pricing, and sales. Her work incorporates her considerable expertise in theoretical modeling, empirical analysis, and experimental design, aiming to understand the root cause of market phenomena and to derive optimal strategy recommendations. Professor Zhang has won numerous teaching awards, including the MIT d'Arbeloff Fund for Excellence in Education and the Jamieson Prize, which is MIT Sloan's most prestigious teaching award. She has received the Frank M. Bass Award for the best marketing thesis, and is a three-time finalist for the John D. C. Little Award for the best marketing paper. In 2011, she was named a Marketing Science Institute Young Scholar, a title awarded to potential leaders of the next generation of marketing academics. Professor Zhang currently serves as associate editor of three marketing journals: Management Science, Marketing Science, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. She also serves as vice president of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS).