Jeffrey A. Cohen

M.B.A., finance and strategy, and B.A., political science, The University of Chicago
Summary of Experience
Mr. Cohen has over 30 years’ experience as an expert in international arbitration, valuation, antitrust, intellectual property, and securities, and has testified in arbitration and federal courts on many aspects of economic damages. He specializes in fields that are intensive in intangible assets such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. He has worked across a wide range of industries, including health care, software and technology, financial services, energy, transportation, and entertainment.
Mr. Cohen has worked with significant corporations including Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, Wells Fargo, State Street, Wachovia, SoundExchange, ASCAP, Liberty Mutual, Allstate Insurance, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Astellas, United Airlines, TWA, DaimlerChrysler, Mitsubishi, and Anheuser-Busch. He also has experience in matters related to the US Federal Trade Commission, the US International Trade Commission, the Tax and Antitrust Divisions of the US Department of Justice, the Republic of Uruguay, and the Commonwealth of Australia.
Mr. Cohen is the author of Intangible Assets: Valuation and Economic Benefit and a contributor to the American Bar Association publication Proving Antitrust Damages. He has been a guest lecturer at both Northwestern University and The University of Chicago. He is also a prolific songwriter.
Provided Expert Testimony
Additional Cases
- Alfa Gomma, S.P.A. v. Veyance Technologies, Inc.
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota et al v. Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
- Confidential Securities Lending Litigations
- Huff Fund Investment Partnership v. CKx, Inc.
- ITC Investigation of Standard Essential Patents
- Music Licensing Royalty Rate Analyses
- Procter & Gamble Company v. United States
- Safeco Insurance Company of America, et al. v. AIG, et al.
- US et al. v. Anthem Inc. et al.
In All Probability: An Economic Reading of Damages Under Factory at Chorzów
ICSID Review
2020Cohen J, Grgeta E, Temerlin F
International Arbitration -
Analyzing Country Risk Premium in ICSID Awards
Transnational Dispute Management, December 2019
2019Berberian M, Cohen J, Grgeta E
International Arbitration -
Some Economics of Royalty Bundling
Landslide, May/June 2012 (Vol. 4; No. 5)
Intellectual Property
2012 -
Intangible Assets: Valuation and Economic Benefit
John Wiley & Sons
Intellectual Property, Valuation

AG Feature Does Acquihiring Lead to Better Outcomes in the Technology Sector?
AG Feature Valuation in International Arbitration: A Growing Topic in Investor-State Disputes
Forum Royalty Payments, Bundled Goods, and Chicago-Style “Red Hots”
Case OutcomeMusic Licensing Royalty Rate Analyses
Case OutcomeBlue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota et al v. Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
Case OutcomeSafeco Insurance Company of America, et al. v. AIG, et al.