Cost-effectiveness analysis of ocrelizumab versus subcutaneous interferon beta-1a for the treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis

Journal of Medical Economics, 2017 October

An Analysis Group study related to treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) has been published in the Journal of Medical Economics and highlighted by Multiple Sclerosis News Today. The study, “Cost-effectiveness analysis of ocrelizumab versus subcutaneous interferon beta-1a for the treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis,” was conducted in collaboration with Genentech, the developer of Ocrevus (ocrelizumab).

The study concluded that Ocrevus is less expensive than interferon beta-1a for the treatment of adults with relapsing MS. The research team found that the use of Ocrevus over a 20-year period resulted in lower total costs due to reduced costs associated with treatment, monitoring, adverse events, relapses, and EDSS disease states. In addition, Ocrevus performed better in terms of both quality adjusted life years and number of years lived compared to interferon beta-1a. Payers and policymakers may use findings such as these when determining reimbursements for MS therapies.

The study was coauthored by Genentech and an Analysis Group team including Managing Principal Annie Guérin, Vice President Hongbo Yang, Senior Analyst Emilie Duchesneau, and former Analyst Rebekah Foster. 



Yang H, Duchesneau E, Foster R, Guérin A, Ma E, Thomas NP