A Note from Martha S. Samuelson, CEO and Chairman
Dear readers,
The 2023 editions of Forum will offer a diverse array of features drawn from our recent publishing and case work in a number of rapidly evolving areas. The articles and Q&As will cover new and continuing trends in antitrust, health care, ESG, digital markets, banking and securities litigation, and consumer and marketing research, among other topics. I hope you will continue to find the ideas and experience we present in these pieces to be engaging, thought-provoking, and useful.
Best wishes,
If You Build It, Will They Come? Indirect Network Effects and the “Chicken-or-Egg” Dilemma in the Nascent Electric Vehicle Market
AG academic affiliate Erich Muehlegger and Vice President Joseph Cavicchi examine the role of indirect network effects in developing the nascent market for electric vehicles.
Venture Debt and the Failure of Silicon Valley Bank: A Q&A with Yael Hochberg and Sabrina Howell
Two experts on entrepreneurial finance examine the causes for the collapse of the key Silicon Valley lending institution.
Confusing? Funny? Just Plain Bad? Surveys and Trademark Litigation After Jack Daniel’s
How surveys might provide evidential weight in trademark litigation after a decision by the US Supreme Court.
A New “Gold Standard”? How Digital Health Technologies Can Be Used to Monitor Patient Progress
For a client’s clinical study, Analysis Group developed a way to leverage the power of wearable technologies in helping improve care for patients with rheumatoid arthritis and other progressive diseases.
Fiduciary Duty and ESG: A Q&A with Oliver Hart
The Nobel Prize-winning economist offers a new economic lens for evaluating growing shareholder concerns with ESG issues.
“A Richer Way to Work”: Martha Samuelson and Andrea Okie Explore the Topic of Women and Diversity in Antitrust
Analysis Group’s CEO and Chairman speaks with Managing Principal Andrea Okie on women’s career paths in antitrust, and why diversity creates a stronger firm.
Of Note
Analysis Group Authors Win 2023 Antitrust Writing Award for Best Business Article in EconomicsRecognized Digital Business Models Expert Eliana Garces Joins as Senior Advisor
In re: Lamictal Direct Purchaser Antitrust Litigation
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru