Susan F. Tierney

Ph.D. and M.A., regional planning, public policy, Cornell University; B.A., Scripps College
Summary of Experience
Dr. Tierney is an expert on energy policy and economics, specializing in the electric and gas industries. She has consulted to companies, governments, nonprofits, and other organizations on energy markets, as well as economic and environmental regulation and strategy. Her expert witness and business consulting services have involved industry restructuring, market analyses, utility ratemaking and regulatory policy, clean energy regulatory policy, transmission issues, wholesale and retail market design, and resource planning and procurement. Dr. Tierney is a former assistant secretary for policy at the US Department of Energy, state cabinet officer for environmental affairs, and state public utility commissioner. She chairs the board of directors of Resources for the Future; serves on the external advisory board of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; and is a member of the boards of directors of the World Resources Institute, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Barr Foundation, and other organizations. She has published widely, frequently speaks at industry conferences, and has lectured at many leading universities.
Provided Expert Testimony
- Assessing Market Needs to Evaluate Natural Gas Pipeline Development
- Assessing the Environmental Impact of the Siting of a Natural Gas Power Plant
- Central Vermont Public Service Corporation and Green Mountain Power Corporation v. Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee
- David T. Stevenson, et al. v. Delaware Department of Natural Resources, et al.
- In re: The Application of Transource Maryland LLC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity
- State of North Carolina, ex rel. Roy Cooper, Attorney General, v. Tennessee Valley Authority
- US Senate Committee Hearing to Examine the Electricity Sector in a Changing Climate
Additional Cases
- American Tradition Institute and Rod Lueck, v. Epel, et al.
- Analysis of Economic Feasibility of Proposed Coal Plant
- Calpine Corporation Bankruptcy Settlement
- Consultants Study CEO Perspectives and Recommendations on California’s Advanced Energy Policies
- Energy Policy Act Section 1813 Comments: Report of the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation for Submission to the US Departments of Energy and Interior
- In-Depth New Analyses on the Use of Renewable Energy for Power System Operations
- Pricing and Retail Contract Analysis
- The Economic Impacts of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative on Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States
- Wholesale Market Design Analysis
Massachusetts’ Energy Transition: Innovation for Electric Utility Regulation
White paper, September 2023
2023Hibbard P, Tierney S, Howland G, Stuart D
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources -
Power grid most important piece of climate puzzle
CommonWealth, October 7, 2023
2023 -
Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States: Technology, Policy, and Societal Dimensions
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2023
2023 -
Time to move away from old precedents in FERC pipeline reviews
Utility Dive, Nov. 19, 2019
2019 -
An Expanding Carbon Cap-and-trade Regime? A Decade of Experience with RGGI Charts a Path Forward
The Electricity Journal, June 2018
2018Hibbard P, Tierney S, Darling P, Cullinan S
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) -
The Economic Impacts of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative on Nine Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States: Review of RGGI’s Third Three-Year Compliance Period (2015-2017)
White Paper, April 2018
2018Darling P, Hibbard P, Tierney S
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) -
The Proposed Northern Pass Transmission Project: Assessing its impacts on New Hampshire
White Paper, February 2017
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources
2017 -
Enhancing the Resilience of the Nation's Electricity System
National Academy of Sciences, Consensus Study Report, July 2017
2017 -
Natural Gas Pipeline Certification: Policy Considerations for a Changing Industry
White Paper, November 2017
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources
2017 -
Electricity Markets, Reliability and the Evolving U.S. Power System
White Paper, June 20, 2017
2017Hibbard P, Tierney S, Franklin K
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources -
The U.S. Coal Industry: Challenging Transitions in the 21st Century
White Paper, September 2016
2016 -
Does the Clean Power Plan Go Too Far? No.
The National Law Journal, September 26, 2016
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources
2016 -
Millstone Power Station - Providing support for achieving Connecticut’s clean energy goals
White Paper, December 2016
2016Tierney S, Aubuchon C
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources -
Electric System Reliability and EPA’s Clean Power Plan: Tools and Practices
White Paper, February 2015
2015Tierney S, Hibbard P, Aubuchon C
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics -
Electric System Reliability and EPA’s Clean Power Plan: The Case of PJM
White Paper, March 2015
2015Tierney S, Hibbard P, Aubuchon C
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources -
Carbon Control and Competitive Wholesale Electricity Markets: Compliance Paths for Efficient Market Outcomes
White Paper, May 2015
2015Carbon Control and Competitive Wholesale Electricity Markets: Compliance Paths for Efficient Market Outcomes
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources -
Electric System Reliability and EPA’s Clean Power Plan: The Case of MISO
White Paper, June 2015
2015Tierney S, Hibbard P, Aubuchon C
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources -
Report of the Independent Advisory Panel Regarding Integration of Renewable Energy into California’s Electric System
Independent Advisory Panel Report, January 2014
2014Arvizu D, Borenstein S, Tierney S, Wright S
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics -
Project Vigilance: Functional Feasibility Study for the Installation of Ambri Energy Storage Batteries at Joint Base Cape Cod
Functional Feasibility Study, February 2014
2014Hibbard P, Carpenter S, Darling P, Reilly M, Tierney S
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics -
California's Advanced Energy Economy: Advanced Energy Business Leaders’ Perspectives and Recommendations on California’s Energy Policies
Report prepared for the Advanced Energy Economy Institute, February 2013
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics
2013 -
Planning for Offshore Energy Development
White Paper: Executive Summary, June 2013
2013Tierney S, Carpenter S
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics -
Planning for Offshore Energy Development - Complete
White Paper, June 2013
2013Tierney S, Carpenter S
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources -
Why Coal Plants Retire: Power Market Fundamentals as of 2012
White Paper, February 2012
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics
2012 -
Terrorism and the Electric Power Delivery System
Report Issued by the National Research Council (NRC)
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics
2012 -
The Economic Impacts of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative on Ten Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States
White Paper, November 2011
2011Hibbard P, Tierney S, Okie A, Darling P
Data Science & Statistical Modeling, Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG), Strategy, Policy & Analytics -
Carbon Control and the Economy: Economic Impacts of RGGI’s First Three Years
The Electricity Journal, December 2011
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG), Strategy, Policy & Analytics
2011 -
An Evaluation of the McCullough Research Report on New York’s Wholesale Power Market
Report Commissioned by the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics
2009 -
Strategic Options for Investment in Transmission in Support of Offshore Wind Development in Massachusetts
Commissioned by the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust (MRET)
2009Tierney S, Okie A, Carpenter S
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics -
Competitive Procurement of Retail Electricity Supply: Recent Trends in State Policies and Utility Practices
Commissioned by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
2008 -
ERCOT Texas’s Competitive Power Experience: A View from the Outside Looking In
Commissioned by Reliant Energy, Inc.
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources
2008 -
Pay-as-Bid vs. Uniform Pricing: Discriminatory Auctions Promote Strategic Bidding and Market Manipulation
Public Utilities Fortnightly, March 2008
2008Tierney S, Schatzki T, Mukerji R
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics -
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the New York Independent System Operator: The Initial Years
Report Commissioned by the New York Independent System Operator
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics
2007 -
A National Perspective on Allocating the Costs of New Transmission Investment: Practice and Principles
White Paper prepared by the Blue Ribbon Panel on Cost Allocation for WIRES
2007Baldick R, Brown A, Bushnell J, Tierney S, Winter T
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources -
Decoding Developments in Today’s Electric Industry – Ten Points in the Prism
White Paper for the Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA)
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources
2007 -
The Economic Burden of Depression: Societal and Patient Perspectives
Biology of Depression. From Novel Insights to Therapeutic Strategies
2005 -
Energy and Environmental Policy in the United States: Synergies and Challenges in the Electric Industry
Prepared for The French Center on the United States
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics
2003 -
The Political Economy of Long-Term Generation Adequacy: Why an ICAP Mechanism Is Needed as Part of Standard Market Design
The Electricity Journal
2002Tierney S, Besser JG, Farr J
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics -
A Better CO2 Rule
The New York Times, May 16, 2001
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics
2001 -
Regional Issues in Restructuring the Electric Industry
The Electricity Industry Briefing Papers
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics
1998 -
Research Support for the Power Industry
Issues In Science and Technology
1998Tierney S, Morgan MG
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources -
Foreword: Using Consensus Building to Improve Utility Regulation
Amer Council for An Energy (August 1994)
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources
1994 -
Needed: Broad Perspective, Fresh Ideas
The Electricity Journal
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources
1994 -
Datawars: Computer Models in the Federal Government
Columbia University Press
1987Tierney S, Kraemer KL, Dickhoven S, King JL
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources, Strategy, Policy & Analytics -
The Nuclear Waste Controversy
Controversy: The Politics of Technical Decisions
Energy, Climate & Natural Resources
September 21, 2022
Senior Advisor Susan F. Tierney to Moderate National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Climate Conversations Webinar
Event: Climate Conversations: The Grid
Host: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine -
March 24, 2023
Senior Advisor Susan Tierney to Join Panel at New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable
Event: New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable
Host: Raab Associates, Ltd. -
November 9, 2023
Senior Advisor Susan Tierney to Join Panel at FERC’s 2023 Annual Reliability Technical Conference
Event: 2023 Annual Reliability Technical Conference
Host: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
October 23, 2023
October 11, 2023
September 12, 2023
August 8, 2023
August 2, 2023
AG Feature Powering Through – and Beyond – the Crisis
AG Feature Energy, Technology, and the Future: A Conversation with FERC Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur and former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy
AG Feature The Outlook for Resilience in Electricity Generation and Distribution
AG Feature Evaluating Potential Development of a Broader Market for CO2 Allowance Trading
AG Feature Assessing the EPA’s Clean Power Plan
Forum What Is Water Worth?
Forum Susan Tierney - Opportunities and Solutions in the Global Energy Market