Nori Mehta

M.B.A., Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth; B.A., economics, Kenyon College
Summary of Experience
Ms. Mehta has experience conducting complex economic analyses related to commercial litigation and health economics and outcomes research (HEOR). She has analyzed a range of issues, including those related to alleged kickbacks, off-label marketing, market definition and antitrust, trade flows, but-for pricing and sales, and delays in emergency housing provisions. Ms. Mehta also has extensive experience analyzing large datasets, including government and private administrative claims records. Her litigation experience has involved economic research across a variety of industries, including pharmaceuticals, agriculture, technology, and financial services. In her HEOR work, Ms. Mehta has conducted research on potentially avoidable hospitalizations in Alzheimer’s patients and on the economic value of a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine in an elder population, and has designed algorithms for the execution of value-based contracts across multiple disease states and treatment areas, among other projects.