Steven Weber

Professor of the Graduate School, UC Berkeley School of Information; Partner, Breakwater Strategy
Steven Weber

For more information on working with this expert, please contact:

Almudena Arcelus


Ph.D. and M.A., political science, Stanford University

Summary of Experience

Professor Weber’s expertise lies at the intersection of technology markets, intellectual property regimes, and international politics. His research, teaching, and advisory work focuses on the political economy of knowledge-intensive industries, with special attention to issues of competitiveness related to information technology, software, finance, and health care. Professor Weber has advised companies, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations on risk analysis, strategy, business forecasting, and communications. He was the founder and faculty director for the UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, and his cybersecurity credentials allow him to supplement his experience in organizationalgovernance with the technical nature of security threats. Professor Weber served as a special consultant tothe president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and has held academic fellowships with the Council on Foreign Relations and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. He is widely published, with his work having been featured in publications such as the Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies; Foreign Affairs; and International Organization. Professor Weber’s books include The Success of Open Source and Bloc by Bloc: How to Build a Global Enterprise for the New Regional Order, which explains how economic geography is increasingly defined by technology rules and standards.