John Contino

Founder, Sperlinga Advisory LLC
John Contino

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B.Sc. Cornell University

Summary of Experience

Mr. Contino specializes in the analysis and valuation of residential mortgage loans and securities, to both market participants and in complex litigation. His expertise extends to the valuation of niche security and loan products (e.g. residuals, resecuritizations, SF rental securities, timeshares, second liens). Clients have included broker-dealers, other investment advisors, bankruptcy experts, REITs, insurance companies, pension funds, and US government-sponsored enterprises, among others. Other government experience includes providing quantitative support to a sale advisor to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Small Business Administration, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. He provided similar support during the development of the Mortgage Purchase Program for the Federal Home Loan Banks of Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and Seattle. Mr. Contino took two leaves of absence from Sperlinga Advisory to serve as a mortgage hedge fund portfolio manager, with one of those roles overlapping the mortgage market crisis.

As a testifying expert, Mr. Contino has written reports and provided testimony in arbitration as well as in both federal and state court. He served as a consulting expert in a series of cases for the US Department of Labor – Office of the Solicitor, involving mortgage securities and ERISA. His litigation-related experience spans the residential mortgage industry, with disputes involving valuation, suitability, market practices, and intellectual property. The valuation cases have included the spectrum of mortgage loan credit (agency, prime, Alt-A, subprime) and the spectrum of securitization structures (senior and subordinate securities, complex resecuritizations, residuals, and both performing and non-performing whole loans).