
Senior Analyst, Boston

Why did you choose Analysis Group?
I chose Analysis Group because of its commitment to a friendly culture, its application of economic ideas to real-world problems, and its focus on professional development and mentoring at all stages of one’s career.
What do you work on at AG?
My case work is currently split between health care litigation and HEOR (health economics and outcomes research). In my HEOR work, I recently helped build an R Shiny tool for a client to assess the costs of a pharmaceutical treatment. I also frequently import, clean, and analyze claims data in support of an expert report in health care litigation.
What do you enjoy most about your work? What do you find most challenging?
I enjoy working with smart and friendly people across a wide array of topics. AG is a place that’s cooperative, not competitive. I also enjoy my work as an R training coordinator, a position in which I help develop R training materials for new hires and help build R tools for more efficient work across case teams. The most challenging aspect of my work has been transforming complicated and messy client data into discernable analyses. I feel a great sense of accomplishment after working with my colleagues to transform data from its earliest phases into a final expert report.
What new skills have you learned since joining AG?
My technical abilities in data science have improved drastically. I have also learned to manage multiple workstreams efficiently, collaborate with people who have different work styles, and teach newer analysts.
What new experiences have you had at AG?
I fell in love with R at Analysis Group and sought new opportunities to expand its usage at the firm.
What is it like to work on a case team?
It’s collaborative, engaging, challenging, and rewarding. There is constant communication between all members of a team from the earliest stage of a case to filing. It’s a dynamic environment that poses interesting problems that sometimes don’t have clear answers. The hard work pays off after seeing the report finalized and celebrating with the team at a post-filing meal!
What is it like to work in your office? What is the culture there?
When I first began in the Boston office, the work was entirely remote. In recent months, I’ve had the opportunity to go into the office at least three times a week, and it’s always a great experience. There’s lots of food, and it’s great to speak with people face-to-face. The office itself is very nice, with large private offices, even at the analyst level; elaborate meeting spaces, which I hope to utilize more as we emerge from the pandemic; and plenty of chess boards for work breaks!
What do you think about AG’s collaborative culture? How does this benefit your work? Clients?
The focus on collaboration was a major factor in my decision to work at AG. There is so much room for receiving and giving mentorship. You become close with the people you work with, leading to a work environment that fosters innovation, productivity, and job satisfaction.
What do you do when you’re not working?
I like to spend time with my family in New Hampshire. I also enjoy making music, directing short films, and staying active.
How do you find a suitable work/life balance?
I strive to communicate time expectations to my teams, and if I get overworked, I reach out to my advisor for advice and assistance.
Dody  Eid


Learn how to apply to the Analyst role.