Analyst and Associate Insights

Senior Analyst, Boston (now an Associate)One of the great things about being an analyst on this case was that my responsibilities covered everything from qualitative research to complex quantitative analyses. On the qualitative side, I conducted research on the parties involved in the case and the LCD products that they sold. I also reviewed many depositions of plaintiff witnesses to collect evidence. This work informed my decisions when managing and analyzing the transaction-level data. I was able to blend case concepts, research, and analytical software skills to clean and manage large data files in order to prepare them for our expert’s volume of commerce and damages analyses.

Senior Analyst, Boston (now a Manager)LCD has been the primary case that I have worked on since I first started at Analysis Group. I had no background in statistical programming, but by the end of a few months, I had learned how to code in both SAS and Stata through formal case-specific training sessions and informal tips from my colleagues. Overall, the LCD team has given me a very holistic experience of working at AG: I was surrounded by amazing people eager to help me learn and succeed.