Granite Bridge: Environmental Benefits of System Expansion

White Paper, 2018

For Liberty Utilities in New Hampshire, an Analysis Group team documented health benefits and associated cost impacts attributable to the construction of the proposed Granite Bridge natural gas pipeline. Reducing pollutant emissions by displacing higher-emitting heating sources with natural gas could reduce premature deaths, respiratory and other health impacts, and risks associated with global warming. The Analysis Group team, comprising Managing Principal Andrea Okie, Principal Paul Hibbard, Manager Jonathan Baker, and Senior Analyst Grace Howland, estimated the level of reductions in annual emissions from using natural gas or oil for heating and hot water over a 17-year period for residential, commercial, and industrial customers in the Liberty Utilities’ New Hampshire service area. Their report projected that the estimated reductions in pollutants could produce between $1.4 million and $3.1 million in total health benefits over the 17-year period.

Read the report


Baker J, Hibbard P, Howland P, Okie A